2022 Juvenile Law Training Academy CLE Archive
Product description:
Juvenile Law Training AcademyOctober 17–18, 2022
Monday, October 17
Ginger Fitch, Attorney, Youth, Rights, Justice, Portland
Chapter 1 Family Treatment Court
Latonya Adjei-Tabi, Center for Children and Family Futures, Chicago
Mark Lang, Attorney, Columbia County
Mia Ruston, Analyst, Juvenile and Family Court Programs, Oregon Judicial Dept.
Chapter 2 Family Preservation: A Community Effort
Chris Chabre, Program Manager, Self Sufficiency Program, Oregon Dept. of Human Services
Jason Fields, Permanency/Family Preservation Supervisor, Oregon Dept. of Human Services
Jennifer Holman, Family Preservation Manager, Child Welfare and Self Sufficiency Programs, Oregon Dept. of Human Services
Chelsea May, Family Engagement Facilitator, Child Welfare Program, Oregon Dept. of Human Services
Family Preservation is an approach, through collaborative efforts between community agencies, families, Tribal Nations, Child Welfare and Self Sufficiency Programs, that intentionally refocuses on and prioritizes equitably serving families and children in their homes and communities instead of foster care. This presentation covers the work in the demonstration sites: who we are serving, what we are learning, and how this transformational effort will take all of us working together.
Chapter 3 Representing Kids in Oregon: Specific Standards for Attorneys | ETHICS
Kevin Hupy, Office of Public Defense Services
Doug Killian, Metropolitan Public Defenders–Wash. Co.
Representing children in the Child Welfare system has the benefit of frequently getting to see squishies and sometimes even hold them! But it also carries a significant burden of representing a client who may not be able to give you direction in the conventional way. In this presentation panelists go over many of the Oregon State Bar Practice Standards for representing Children and the complexity those standards entail.
Chapter 4 Self-Selected Environments: Tracking and Engaging Missing and Runaway Children and Young Adults
Nicole Cory, Permanency Consultant, Child Welfare Program, Oregon Dept. of Human Services
Ashley Oakley, CQI Consultant, Child Welfare Program, Oregon Dept. of Human Services
Kristin Ward, AAIC, Child Advocacy Section Oregon Dept. of Justice
This presentation shares the guidance available to caseworkers to engage and support children and young adults who become missing or run away from a placement. The panelists discuss the history and purpose of Self-Selected Environments, a living arrangement selected by a child or young adult that is not approved by ODHS, as well as its function and implications for case planning.
Chapter 5 Advocating for and Collaborating to Support Children and Parents with Disabilities
Chelsea Cappadona, Developmental Disabilities Service Array Specialist, Child Welfare, Dept. Human Services
Heather Collee, ADA Coordinator, Child Welfare, Dept. Human Services
Part 1: The first half of the presentation provides a brief overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act and focuses on advocating for reasonable accommodations or modifications for a parent/caregiver with a disability.
Part 2: The second half of the presentation goes over the respective roles, service array and supports of Child Welfare and the Office of Developmental Disability Services, focusing on cross system navigation and advocacy for children in care who have an intellectual and/or developmental disability.
12:30pm Adjourn for the day.
TUESDAY, Oct. 18
Moderator: Jennifer Meisberger, Assistant Attorney in Charge, Oregon Dept. of Justice, Child Advocacy Section
Chapter 6 Written Materials are included but we are not allowed to provide the recording.
Chapter 7 Redesigning Child Welfare around Prevention, Equity and Well-being
Yasmin Grewal-Kök, Senior Policy Analyst, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago
A growing body of evidence supports a rethinking of prevention services to include the use of economic and concrete supports with families. Provides an overview of the science of economic and concrete supports and the associations with reductions in child welfare system involvement. Redesigning child welfare, and the long-held separation of economic and concrete supports from services in child protective services and foster care, requires new mindsets, partnerships and policies. This is also a consideration as it relates to race equity as families of color experience disproportionate economic hardship and disproportionate involvement with CPS. Federal and state policy considerations and examples presented for exploration.
OSB Juvenile Law Section Awards
A special presentation by Judge Colleen Gilmartin recognizing the work of Victoria Detholff with the Professional Advocate Award, and Anjana Kumar with the New Practitioner Award.
Chapter 8 Appellate Update
Tiffany Keast, Senior Deputy Public Defender, Juvenile Appellate Section, Office of Public Defense Services
Emily Snook, Dept of Justice
Chapter 9 Permanency Hearings: Standards and Practice Tips
Tiffany Keast, OPDS
Inge Wells, Sr. Assistant Attorney General, Appellate Division, Dept. of Justice
The presenters outline the basics of permanency hearings, new issues with respect to permanency hearings, and tips for practitioners.
Programming planned and coordinated by the 2022 Juvenile Law Training Academy Workgroup:
Jayne Cooper, Senior ICWA & Juvenile Law Analyst, Juvenile and Family Court Programs Division, Oregon Judicial Department
Shannon Flowers, Chief Juvenile Trial Counsel, Parent Child Representation Program, Office of Public Defense Services
Jennifer Holman, MSW, Family Preservation Manager, Oregon Department of Human Services, Child Welfare
Kevin Hupy, Office of Public Defense Services, Juvenile Appellate Section
Kristen Lewis, CASA For Children, Multnomah County
Shaun McCrea, Executive Director, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Heidi Moon, Juvenile Dependency Analyst, Oregon Judicial Department
Jennifer Root, CLE Coordinator, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Joanne Southey, Department of Justice Child Advocacy Section
Alex Trotter, Department of Human Services Child Welfare