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2022 Annual Juvenile Law Conference CLE Archive

Member Price
Streaming Video with Written Material & Audio Download

Product description:

Annual Juvenile Law Conference • May 6-7 • Agate Beach Inn

Friday, May 6
Moderated by Tahra Sinks, Salem

Aid and Assist in Delinquency Cases
Dr. Holly Crossen, Portland

Michelle Ryan, Attorney, Portland
(1 mental health and substance use education credit)

Civil Claims Specific to Foster Care: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Your Clients
Elements of 42 US Code § 1983 and state law claims, preservation, statutes of limitations and discovery.
Steven Rizzo, Attorney, Portland
Mary Skjelset, Attorney, Portland

Legislative Update
Mae Lee Browning, OCDLA Lobbyist, Portland

Saturday, May 7
Moderated by Diane Henkels, Newport

 What is the Troubled Teen Industry & What is the Accountability for Congregate Care Act?
Moderated by Annette Smith, Public Defender Services of Lane County
Senator Sara Gelser Blouin, District 8, Oregon
Caroline Cole, Co-CEO, Unsilenced, Oklahoma

Institutional Abuse Survivor Panel
Moderated by Annette Smith
Caroline Cole
Uvea Spezza Lopin, age 13
Ben Xander, age 18

Reasonableness and the Unruly Juvenile Mind: Applying the "Reasonable Juvenile” Standard to Seizures, Self-Defense and Formation of Intent
Norah Van Dusen, Attorney, Portland
Elizabeth Levi, Attorney, Portland

Elizabeth M. Rapkoch, PsyD, Portland

(This presentation was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, and the post conference webinar recording is included in CLE Archive. Read the READ ME MEMO in your purchase.)

Parental Alienation: A Review of the Science
Patricia Warford, PsyD, Newberg

Appellate Update
Christa Obold Eshleman, Youth, Rights & Justice, Attorneys at Law, Portland
Sarah Peterson, Juvenile Appellate Section, Appellate Division, OPDS, Salem

(Presenter Sarah Peterson's portion was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, and the post conference webinar recording is included in the CLE Archive. Read the READ ME MEMO in the your purchase.)

Navigating Ethical Responsibilities in Dependency Cases: Identifying Conflicts and Other Ethical Dilemmas
Nik Chourey, Oregon State Bar, Tigard
(1.5 ethics credit)

In Oregon, the total number of approved credits for listening to all of the audio in the audio package if you also purchase the written material:

• 7.25 general, 1.5 ethics, 1.0 mental health/substance use credit — for the May 6-7 live conference
• 1 general credit — for the July 12 post conference webinar recording of Appellate Update by Sarah Peterson
• 1 general credit — for the  August 8 post conference webinar recording of Reasonableness and the Unruly Juvenile Mind by Norah Van Dusen, Elizabeth Levi, and Elizabeth M. Rapkoch, PsyD.

Total: 9.25 general, 1.5 ethics, 1.0 mental health/substance use credit

The program will also qualify for credit with the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training.

Consortia and Law Offices wishing multiple licenses, contact OCDLA.