2022 SB 295 and Community Restoration Webinar CLE Archive
Product description:
Presenters:Melissa Chureau, Senior Assistant Attorney General with Oregon State Hospital/Oregon Health Authority
Emily Cooper, Legal Director, Disability Rights Oregon
Jesse Merrithew, Defense Attorney, Portland
Carla Scott, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Special Litigation Unit, Oregon Dept. of Justice
SB 295, passed in the 2021 regular session, was designed to get more of our clients out of the hospital and receiving treatment in their communities. Despite the passage of the law with bipartisan support, this has not actually happened. The Oregon State Hospital, Disability Rights Oregon, and the defense bar are aligned in seeking to enforce this law and see its goal realized. Come learn about the law and its specific provisions that you as defense lawyers can enforce on behalf of your clients, getting them out of the hospital and setting them up for long-term success.