2021 Sunny Climate Seminar CLE Archive
Product description:
2021 Sunny Climate SeminarCLE Program
Moderated by Ruben Medina,
Chapter 1 Using More Than Words to Persuade: Mitigation & Sentencing Videos
Callie Steele, Federal Public Defender of the Central District of California, Los Angeles, CA
A picture is definitely worth a thousand words! As we represent our clients, we are better able to tell their stories by using photos, videos and other items to bring our arguments to life! Mitigation and sentencing videos can be extremely effective and this presentation will show you how you can knock years off of your clients’ sentences by creatively using much more than words to persuade.
Chapter 2 What's Interrogation Gotta Do With It: Defending Confession Cases
Deja Vishny, Milwaukie WI Read More
This presentation will help you overcome your feelings of dread as you prepare to defend a case where your client has confessed. After reviewing how police interrogate persons to get a confession, we'll discuss how to mount a defense, reframe the confession, work with expert witnesses, cutting edge motion practice and effectively cross examine police interrogators in order to win your case.
Chapter 3 Leaving Snitches in Stitches: Advanced Techniques for Controlling Cooperators
Jennifer Sellitti, Director of Training & Communications, New Jersey Office of the Public Defender, Trenton NJ
There’s nothing worse than a snitch who gives up the goods to the detriment of your client. In this presentation, we will explore how to combat cooperating witness testimony before, during and after trial. The presentation covers pretrial motion practice, creating theories and themes to incorporate cooperators into your narrative, advanced cross exam techniques, visual aids, and jury instructions. Jail house informants, sentenced and unsentenced cooperators, and motivated witnesses are all discussed. We will also explore the science of snitching – meaning, how we can use research about human nature to improve our arguments at trial.
Chapter 4 De-Selecting Those Hall Monitors: How to Get an Empowered Jury of Understanding Humans and Avoid the Detention Hall for Your Clients
Justin Rosas, Medford, OR Read More
"How can this moron on my jury pool possibly think that?!?"
"How can I ever win if these people don't know how wrong they are about their world views?!?"
As defense champions, our inclination is to rail against the things we believe are unjust - and sometimes that can create unjust results for our clients. Jury deselection requires us to be non-judgmental and open to viewpoints that hurt our clients the most - so that those who hold them can earnestly and honestly tell us that they should not be on the jury. This is a deep dive into how we discuss hard topics that we may have firmly held beliefs about ourselves and get the jury that will acquit our client rather than the jury who has been served up some intellectual righteousness from defense counsel while our clients get sentenced.
4:15 Adjourn