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Winter Conference 2024 Investigation Track

Friday, Dec. 6, 2024

Benson Hotel, Portland

Winter Conference 2024 Investigation Track

Friday, Dec. 6, 2024

Benson Hotel, Portland
Winter Conference Investigation Track 
Friday, December 6 • 8:45a–12p
The Benson Hotel, Portland • New Lodging Deadline: November 27!

Back by Popular Demand!

Three hours of continuing education for defense investigators in conjunction with one of OCDLA’s premier CLEs—the Winter Conference at the Benson Hotel in Portland!

Topics & Speakers
  • An Investigator’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Joshua Cohen, Fat Pencil Studios
  • Phone Extractions • Arthur Hively, Roloff Digital Forensics
  • Organizing & Reviewing Discovery • Ari Steinberg-Lake, Paralegal/Litigation Support

See the Agenda tab at left for full program details.

Registration Options
Investigation Track—Standalone Registration:
  • $85, members
  • $100 nonmembers

Investigation Track + December 6–7 Winter Conference—Combined Registration:  
  • $275, member nonlawyers (thru Nov. 26)
  • $395, nonmember nonlawyers (thru Nov. 26)
          After November 26 this pricing increases by $25.
          Visit the Winter Conference page to register for the combined track.

Registration authorizes attendance for the respective track(s) of presentations and respective meal(s) and break refreshments.

Thanks to Steve Wilson and James Comstock, chairs of the OCDLA Oregon Licensed Investigators Committee, for planning this special track. 

CLE presentations will be audio recorded and made available to those OCDLA members who register and are unable to attend. Please review the Cancellation and No-show Policies, below.  As with all OCDLA CLE Archives, purchases may be made by OCDLA members only.

Who may attend?
This program is open to defense lawyers and those professionals and law students directly involved in the defense function.

What’s included in the fee?
• Admission to the Investigation Track 
• Written material in advance
• Continental Breakfast
• CLE credit where applicable. 

Financial assistance?
OCDLA Members contact OCDLA by December 2 about scholarships, payment plans or creative payment arrangements.

Cancellations (pertaining to a standalone Investigation Track registration)
Cancellations made before December 2 will receive a refund less a $25 cancellation fee. Cancellations made after December 2 — once material download link has been emailed — will receive a refund less a $50 cancellation/written material fee. 

No-show policy: Written materials are emailed in advance to all participants. Access to track recordings will be made available to OCDLA members only; nonmembers who do not attend are ineligible to receive audio recordings or a refund.



2024 Winter Conference Investigation Track
The Benson Hotel, Portland

Friday, December 6
8:00a   Registration/Continental Breakfast (included)

8:45     An Investigator’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Joshua Cohen, Fat Pencil Studios

Virtual assistants and chatbots seem to be everywhere these days, and AI stocks are through the roof. This session aims to look past the hype to consider the role AI can play in the work of investigating a criminal case. We’ll look at three specific situations where AI tools are currently being used with both good and ill intent:
  • transcribing and captioning audio / video footage
  • enhancing footage to improve clarity or legibility
  • media generators (aka deep-fake) audio, images & video
As with any new technology, AI presents opportunities to help us be more efficient, but also pitfalls awaiting those who misunderstand or seek to misuse these tools.

Joshua Cohen earned a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at Brown University and a master’s degree in architecture at the University of Oregon. As a principal at Fat Pencil Studio (since 2004) Joshua creates visual tools and demonstratives including timelines, maps, charts, and video compilations. His skill with real-time 3d modeling drives better collaboration between investigators, experts and attorneys during team meetings and allows creation of interactive courtroom exhibits. Joshua has been retained as a 3d visualization or video expert in hundreds of cases, and provided sworn testimony for several of these. He has also served as a juror on several occasions, most recently acting as foreman on a misdemeanor hit-and-run case.

9:45    Mastering Mobile Insights: Navigating Cellebrite UFED Reader and Axiom Portable Case
Kelsey Guay, Senior Digital Forensics Examiner, Portland OR
This presentation will provide a practical guide to using Cellebrite UFED Reader Report and Axiom's Examine Portable Case file. Attendees will learn how to efficiently navigate these powerful tools to analyze mobile device data and extract critical insights for investigations. This presentation will include a demonstration projected to the screen in the room and will not be video recorded. 

Ms. Guay is a senior digital forensics examiner at Roloff Digital Forensics, LLC, a private digital forensics firm with headquarters in Spokane, Washington. Ms. Guay worked as a civilian analyst and manager at the Portland Police Bureau from 2017 to 2024, and during this timeframe supported general investigations, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) and digital forensics. As a digital forensics examiner, Ms. Guay has conducted examinations on thousands of pieces of digital evidence to include: hard drives, thumb drives, RAM, tablet devices, subscriber identity module (SIM) cards, smart phones, call detail records (CDRs), location based data, and many other types of electronic data provided by various service providers. Ms. Guay’s educational background includes a Master of Science degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Portland State University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from Portland State University; she has received her Certified Forensic Examiner (GCFE) certification and Network Forensic Analyst (GNFA) certification from GIAC, and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) certification from ISC2. Specific to the field of mobile forensics, Ms. Guay is certified as a Cellebrite Certified Logical Operator (CCLO), a Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst (CCPA) and a Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner (CCME).

10:45   Break/Door Prizes       

11:00   Basics Of Discovery Management
Ari Steinberg-Lake, Paralegal/Litigation Support, Portland
An introduction to managing discovery in small to medium cases to give investigators some basic tools to support counsel when the utilization of a paralegal is not possible or practical.

Ari Steinberg-Lake is a highly experienced paralegal with more than 17 years of experience assisting with complex cases in state and federal court. The bulk of his experience has been related to defending individuals who are facing criminal allegations or in juvenile delinquency proceedings. In addition, Mr. Steinberg-Lake has extensive experience assisting with the representation of individuals in dependency proceedings and individuals who have brought forward habeas corpus claims in state court. Mr. Steinberg-Lake is passionate about defending the constitutional rights of all individuals. He endeavors to assist with representation by providing support that is diligent, well-organized, and collaborative in developing the best possible case strategy tailor-fit to each individual case. Mr. Steinberg-Lake was born and raised in Oregon, and holds a BS in Agriculture from the University of Hawaii-Hilo.

12:00p  Adjourn


Investigation track


The Benson Hotel, Portland, OR
309 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97205

Reservations must be made by November 27, 2024.

$179 King Corner Room
$179 King Studio Suite Urban View
$179 King/Double Queen Urban View

Call 503-228-2000 / 1-800-774-1500 and identify yourself as part of the 2024 Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (OCDLA).

Or use the Booking Link.


After November 18 rooms may not be available at our special rates.

Parking — For those staying at the Benson the overnight valet parking rate is $39 per day (special OCDLA rate, regularly $49). For those not staying at the Benson the parking rate is $9 per hour and a flat rate of $9/hour after 6pm, with a maximum of $25 per day.



Registration Instructions

1. Choose ticket type from the pull down menu. 2. Fill out name and email fields. 3. Click the yellow Save button at left - this adds the ticket to your cart. 4. Click Checkout.

Registration for Winter Conference 2024 Investigation Track

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