Thursday, November 10, 2022 Program Moderated by Michael Bertholf, Medford 8:30a | Coffee for seminar registrants (included) 9:00 Deselection in a Criminal Case: Landing Your Best Jury by Elimination Lisa Wayne, NACDL From drafting a questionnaire to individual voir dire, find your best jurors by the deselection method. 10:00 | Break 10:15 What the Government’s Lab Is Not Telling You: Strategies for Litigation Janis Puracal, Forensic Justice Project In multiple cases in Oregon, the state police crime lab withheld exculpatory DNA evidence that was later discovered for the first time in post-conviction proceedings. Discovery in post-conviction revealed that the evidence was withheld intentionally pursuant to internal and unwritten lab policies. The presenter will discuss strategies to find undisclosed DNA evidence, including what to look for, where to look for it, and how to litigate undisclosed DNA evidence. 11:15 Oh, Canada: Strategies for Post-Conviction Travel Marisa Feil, FWCanada In the last couple of years, Canada realized a myriad of changes that impact DUII and travel to Canada following any criminal conviction. Find out how the new Canadian legislative changes may dramatically alter your clients’ ability to travel to Canada post conviction and learn practice tips on how to avoid and overcome inadmissibility. 12:15p | Lunch for seminar registrants (included) 1:15 When Cross Examination Alone Won’t Do: Client Closing Stories & Direct Examination Techniques and Tools Michael Kennedy, Reno, Nevada When Cross Examination Alone Won’t Do: Client Closing Stories & Direct Examination Techniques and Tools The power of story is present throughout trial. We ignore this at our peril. This hour will explore direct examination techniques and tools and address the case when your client is to testify in his or her defense. 2:15 | Break 2:30 Relentless Cross Examination Lisa Maxfield, Pacific Northwest Law LLP and Jim Rice, Oregon Counsel, LLC 3:30 | Adjourn |
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