Strategies for addressing delays in OSH admissions for GEI (2021)
Friday, 10/29 @ 12 PM
Online via Zoom
Roundtable: Strategies for Addressing Delays in OSH Admissions for GEIDate: Friday, October 29, 2021
Time: 12:00–1:00 p.m.
Cost: Free to OCDLA members. Featuring Peyton Lee, Metropolitan Public Defenders, Hillsboro, & Stacey Reding, Multnomah Defenders Inc., PortlandYou have a client or potential client who was found Guilty Except for Insanity (GEI) months ago and who was ordered to be committed and transported to the Oregon State Hospital (OSH) “without unreasonable delay.” Today the person is still languishing in a county jail. What are your remedies? In their zealous advocacy for their clients, public defenders Peyton Lee & Stacey Reding convinced Judge Nan Waller to hold OSH in contempt for the delay in admitting a GEI client. This meeting will be discussion oriented. Come compare notes across counties about delays, learn what has worked, discuss transcripts and motions, and more.A roundtable discussion over Zoom. No registration, request a link.
Registrations for Strategies for addressing delays in OSH admissions for GEI (2021) are currently unavailable.
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